7 Best Shade Perennials That Thrive Out Of The Sun


Known for their lush foliage, hostas come in various sizes and colors, from deep green to variegated leaves. They thrive in the shade and add texture to shaded garden areas.


Astilbe produces feathery plumes of flowers in shades of pink, red, and white. It thrives in partial to full shade and adds a splash of color to dark corners of the garden.


Heuchera is prized for its colorful, ruffled leaves that range from deep burgundy to bright lime green. It performs well in shaded areas and can tolerate some sun.

Bleeding Heart

With its heart-shaped pink or white flowers, bleeding heart is a classic shade perennial. It blooms in spring and prefers cool, shaded environments.


Ferns, such as the Japanese painted fern or the lady fern, are perfect for shady spots. They add a delicate, airy texture to the garden and thrive in low-light conditions.


Lungwort is known for its spotted or variegated leaves and clusters of pink, blue, or white flowers. It thrives in shaded, moist areas and adds both color and texture to the garden.


Brunnera, also known as Siberian bugloss, features heart-shaped leaves and tiny, bright blue flowers. It thrives in full to partial shade and is ideal for adding color to shaded areas.

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